[You have to see it ] One of seven natural wonders of world in Palawan

September 18, 2017

Do you prefer to travel and know the greatness of the universe to enrich your knowledge or stay stable in a city all the life?

Many people prefer to travel and know the wonders of the world and among these wonders is Palawan a fantastic island located between the South China Sea to the west and the Sulu Sea to the east, exactly to the Philippine province , with an area of ​​12189 km² it contains 430000 inhabitants.

An island Traditional and undeveloped, and among the evaluations praising the beauty of Palawan: the evaluation of the USA as Palawan occupies the seventh place at world level, and the evaluation of the national "Al Moussafir" magazine as Palawan the most dazzling island in southwest Asia in 2007, and among the evidence obtained by "Condé Nast Traveler" by saying that Palawan is the most beautiful island in the world in 2014.

After all this ...

The most 6 beautiful activities in palawan

  • Barracuda lake , Coron

Barracuda lake is in  northern of palawan it is also called "the sites of the crazy diving to the Philippine". there you can do a lot of activities and more this the wonderful vieux of the lace

Barracuda lake , Coron

  • Calauit ,Busuanga

Calauit is in  Busuanga exactly in the province of Palawan it is the home of exotic animals especially: giraffes, impalas, peacock, Palawan rider, dugong and holy water font

Calauit ,Busuanga

  • Entalula

Entalula located in the golf course Bacuit is an island full of nautical activities although full of coral reefs that exceed 40 feet.


  • Puerto Pincesa river

The subterranean Puerto Princesa River it considers as the seven wonders of the world of Nature

Puerto Pincesa river

  • Nacpan

The beach Nacpan is located in El Nido Island it is the beach the most attractive beach in the world.

Tabon cellar located in the southeast of Palawan province and in1962 Tabon gained a great reputation when researchers find human bones in this cellar.

Tabon ,cellar

Palawan is the perfect place to live diving and snorkeling and swimming and a tasty place to experience the adventure.

Among the most important things that a person needs are: Food by traveling to this wonderful island you will ask me 

Are there good restaurants in Palawan?

  • Filipino Marseille restaurant

Palawan is full of springs and restaurants including the lovely Filipino Marseille restaurant that features Asian-style meals specifically from the philippines, is a warm and authentic restaurant by its and its decoration for working hours and for more information call +33667942168 Or visit website

Filipino Marseille restaurant

  • Captain Ribs Restaurant

There another restaurant Captain Ribs located in Puerto Princesa, which features European, Filipino, BBQ / grill and American meals for Sunday work schedules (07: 00-22: 00) for more information call + 639267121244 or visit page in facebook 

Captain Ribs Restaurant

And Now what else? 

Where can I sleep ?

  • Citrine Touristique Travel Lodge

Among the hotels in Palawan: Citrine Tourist Travel Lodge is a very classy place reserved for people seeking call and comfort with a suitable price a standard double nonrefundable (US $ 20), Citrine Tourist Travel Lodge contains parking , room for the disabled, WIFI and several facilities to guarantee the comfort of the tourists.

  • Citadel Bed and Breakfast

Citadel Bed and Breakfast hotel located in Puerto Princesa contains WIFI, parking, bar, airport shuttle and bicycle rental ... Etc all that with a reasonable price (US 15$)

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